5 vials of 2mg of MGF

5 Ampoules of 1ml Sterile Water

  • Muscle Regeneration
  • Reduction in muscle atrophy
  • Muscle building capabilities




UNI-MGF® BY Unicorn Life Sciences™

Mechano Growth Factor

Highly anabolic, promote localized muscle growth providing a PUMP and FULL look. Accelerate fat loss plus assist in regenerative nerve damage. Use in combination with IGTROPURE to get full synergistic effect.


200 mcg - 400 mcg two times daily.


200 mcg - 400 mcg two times daily.


30 minutes







HGH “Fragment” is the portion of HGH that is responsible for most of HGH’s fat-burning effects, but specifically omits many features contained in the full peptide. Because of this, HGH Fragment can be ran at MUCH higher dosages while allowing the user to skip out on the typical side effects of injecting excessive HGH (water retention, insulin/blood sugar issues, carpal tunnel syndrome etc).

Most users opt to mix both — a reasonable dose of full HGH coupled with an aggressive dose of HGH Fragment yield “the best of both worlds”.

Pharmacology of IGF-1

While GHRP-6 is capable of inducing large increases in GH production when used alone, a given dose will show markedly more effect when a GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) peptide is taken at the same time. Alternately, when combining a GHRH with GHRP-6, only about half or a third as much GHRP-6 is needed to obtain the same increase in GH production.

For this reason, it’s a common choice to combine a GHRH with a GHRP, but excellent results are often obtained without doing so. A preferred choice of GHRH is Mod GRF 1-29 (also known as CJC-1295 without DAC.)

Storage, Reconstitution, and Injection of GH

While GHRP-6 is capable of inducing large increases in GH production when used alone, a given dose will show markedly more effect when a GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) peptide is taken at the same time. Alternately, when combining a GHRH with GHRP-6, only about half or a third as much GHRP-6 is needed to obtain the same increase in GH production.

For this reason, it’s a common choice to combine a GHRH with a GHRP, but excellent results are often obtained without doing so. A preferred choice of GHRH is Mod GRF 1-29 (also known as CJC-1295 without DAC.)